The stones rattle, the shade is hot like sunlight.
Pieces of the bluff skitter down to the beach. Swallows
swoop and dodge as you walk
a large field of long grass that used to be
a military parade ground
and is now a state park.
Blue water below seems deeper than sky.
There's a sign on the fence warning you to stay
back, the bluff isn't stable, the illustration so comical
it undercuts the seriousness of the plea
to save yourself. Another sign gives
instructions on how to properly
hang glide so you won't
get carried out to sea or blown back
into the bluff. Nobody's around, not kids
playing hide and seek in the bunkers nor deer
grazing in the long grass by the old
radio building.
Nothing connects the way it should,
there are no edges to this puzzle
no borderline no barriers
you shouldn't cross, no helpful printed boxtop
to use as a guide as you test a piece
against the others looking for each
sweet inevitable match.