I see the naval magazine from my window in winter
when the leaves have left
gluteal cleft, that's what it's called
officially, your butt crack, and who knew
it would sound so pretty in the scientific
when it's so crude in the everyday
the submarine comes into the bay
flanked by gunners and red-striped guard boats
looking like an enormous bomb moving slowly
through the water and the people stop to watch
and take pictures on their phones
as if it were a whale or some other natural spectacle
put there by God for nothing other
than their own amusement
everyone calls the vulva the vagina now
and it pisses me off because a vagina is
nothing but a slick hole and a vulva has
all of those gorgeous clefts and folds
and silky places as well as
being home to everybody's favorite
organ, the clitoris
they say there are cougars that live
in the woods on the island
that is wholly occupied by the magazine.
I imagine they, the cougars I mean, will never be shot
for getting too close to some human development
I imagine they, the Navy I mean, feels badass
for sharing what is, let's face it, just a big
storeroom, with something actually wild
and potentially dangerous
if you stockpile enough
you might feel safer than you did
when you discovered your own body
was notched and puckered,
filled with holes that might be empty
or might be filled, and just waiting for
the mutant cells already there everywhere
inside you to go full cancer on your ass
you might forget that lions eat flesh
that is sometimes human and humans
eat everything they can get their
hands on and afterward they lick each finger
thoroughly, carefully, and even then
they are still so fucking hungry
Keep them fucking coming, Janeen. I love this, and that you are doing it.
Posted by: Chris | 02 November 2018 at 08:49
Thank you, Chris.
Posted by: Janeen | 02 November 2018 at 16:52