When you are about to turn 50 and you go to the doctor for a check up, they start asking you to do all sorts of fun things like sign up to have a camera crawl inside you and wander around your intestines. I agreed to get a tDap booster and all sorts of other things, but I'm holding off on the butt-cam for now.
The nice thing about going to see medical professionals at this age is that they are no longer older, stern authority figures. They are perky, nice authority figures who are often younger than I. Changes the power dynamic just enough so that I can talk to them like an adult instead of a terrified kid.
I also went to the dentist for the first time in a very long time. Not suprisingly, I need a lot of work done that will require hours of listening to that horrible drill and thousands of dollars that I don't have (even with insurance). My gums, however are fabulous, about which I am inordinately proud.
My lipids are pretty awesome, too, apparently. So, that's what I'm clinging to, gums and lipids. I can work with that.
Older or younger, I've always kept my connections with Heath care pros on a first-name basis. If they can't live with that I don't return to them.
Congrats on ' taking good care of yourself' -- I wanna be reading "Nina turns '90" (particularly the post where Nina hits on the young doc!)
Posted by: Greg | 09 August 2012 at 08:49