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2. Slow Turning (John Hiatt) but I have to admit that I couldn't quite come up with which John Hiatt song it was without a little help....
4. Help Me (Joni Mitchell
7. Alison (Elvis Costello)
9. Living Just Enough for the City (Stevie Wonder)
10. Girls Talk (Elvis Costello again)


i only knew no.7. 9.and i am sure no.10 is nick lowe not elvis costello?


My version of number ten is actually by Dave Edmunds. I know Elvis does it, too, and I wouldn't be surprised if Nick Lowe had one as well. I love Nick Lowe! I haven't listened to him in so long.


I got 7 and 9, but the rest of it? I'm drawing a complete blank.

I like the idea of sticking in a few lyrics from my Random Tens. May just try it myself...with an appropriate hat tip, of course!


I think that Nick Lowe may actually be playing on that Dave Edmunds version, but I'd have to use Google to look it up. (Why do I have such a random particle of info in my head?)

Sadly, aside from the ones already guessed, 'I got nothing'.


1. Beck, Guero

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