I've been tagged for not one, but two memes. I have a sneaking suspicion, though, that you'd rather hear about my dates. I have some bad news: they went really well. And dates that go well, while they may make me all warm and fuzzy inside, just aren't as entertaining as dates that go poorly. How do you know when a date is going well? When you are the last people in a once crowded restaurant and the staff is going around picking up candles and straightening chairs, watching you carefully to see when you'll leave, but gracious enough not to kick you out. On the way out, you decide to nab a table in the bar so you can keep talking, but it's closed (it's Christmas, afterall). So you walk about the nearly empty city on wet sidewalks that reflect the glitter of the lighted trees. Everything is bright and quiet and your voices echo off the store windows. It starts to rain again, so you head back to your car. As you stand at the curb talking with your keys in your hand, your glasses get covered in raindrops, but neither of you want to say good-bye. As you drive home, you realize you are smiling.
For our second date we planned to see a movie. We started out at one of my favorite places for drinks and conversation. We never made it to the movie; conversed right through it, then went for coffee and closed that place down, too. It's apparent that neither of us knows when to shut up. When you talk about everything from quantum mechanics to Spain, why should you?
Memes to follow, and yeah, more dates, too.
It may not be as entertaining....but i am happy it went well. Gives hope for the others of us looking for that right combo. HOpe the glow continues....
Posted by: Jord | 2005.12.28 at 08:58
I hope you continue to float for a long time Nina....beautiful!
Posted by: Joy Des Jardins | 2005.12.28 at 09:35
I told you there were good men in Seattle besides the ones who are gay. I told you.
Posted by: scott | 2005.12.28 at 09:35
Your bad news is such good news.
It's SO refreshing to read about two adults on a date, enjoying each other's company. No games. No sex within the first three minutes. And, I'm still thinking about that wonderful smile on your face driving home.
I wish you more of the same.
Posted by: Annie | 2005.12.28 at 10:32
That sounds like a dream date. I'm happy for you.
Posted by: Sour Duck | 2005.12.28 at 11:28
VERY exciting !!..happy for you...
Posted by: M | 2005.12.28 at 13:18
Good for you. Gives me some hope that a good date can happen.
Posted by: jen | 2006.01.04 at 17:44