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Good luck!!


I feel torn about this.

On the one hand, I hope your coffee date with Mr. Cute in His 40s goes well. On the other hand, if it doesn't go well, I know your blow-by-blow recap will be good.

Dating is hell, huh?


Hooray for coffee with Mr. Fortysomething! I'm sure the blow-by-blow will be good even if it does go well... because you will have to tell us either way, you know.


My foray into online dating did net me some interesting friends....though didn't end in settling down with anyone. I found that corresponding a LOT before meeting weeded out some who would have been a waste of time for both of us. I live in a smaller city...have lived here a long time...and found that i could generally find someone who knew someone who knew someone else, who knew the person.

Good luck and can't wait to hear the results....either way.

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