It's been over three weeks with no coffee. I even managed to hang out at El Diablo with Kimberly last weekend and was content with my Mexican hot chocolate, which by the way, they make with real Mexican chocolate, and don't just throw cinnamon on their Hershey's. But man, I miss it. Terribly. Every sip of decaf I drink makes my soul crumble just a little bit.
The kidlet, upon seeing his foto on the blog announced that he no longer wishes to be known as the kidlet. We have yet to come up with something suitable as a replacement. Am contemplating holding a "name the kidlet" contest.
Scott wrote about how for him, Fall starts not according to the calendar, but on the day he bakes his first apple pie. For me, it is my first pot of soup. This year it was chicken and vegetable, made all rosy and delicious by my new favorite root, the humble beet.
Chris Clarke is going to be doing a series on "Anatomy of Bad News", wherein he will examine the effects that cumulative bad news tends to have on us, from burnout to cynicism. Here is his prelude to the series. I'm not sure I can bear to read it, but Chris always writes so gorgeously, even as he's depressing me, I don't think I'll be able to stay away.
Twisty, on the other hand, always cracks me up as she's depressing me. If you're not reading her already, then repent and sin no more, my friends.