Yesterday was Blog Day, and I blew it. It was a day created to encourage you to expand your blog reading horizons, which I did not do at all. Luckily, we have Sour Duck, who posted some wonderful suggestions of blogs that she found that are outside her usual circle (and often outside the country). Do go check it out. If you stay here, I am only going to bemoan the sad state of affiars on the Gulf coast, or mention the awful event in Iraq yesterday where 1000 folks were killed on a bridge because they panicked about a possible suicide bomber in their midst. Did you see any footage of all the shoes from the dead people piled up in the street? (I think the NYTimes had one foto, but I'm too lazy to go find it and link to it). Horrible. So, I will refrain from bitching about my petty issues right now. It would be wrong of me to be anything but grateful.
Try this blog.
Posted by: beemerman | 2005.09.01 at 20:21
Hi Nina,
If it's any comfort, most people's blog posts could be belittled by merely citing world news (whether local or international). All our personal concerns diminish when compared to famine or weather catastrophes, whether it's happening in this country or somewhere else. Our online (blog) posts about other matters *don't necessarily mean* we aren't also watching the news, donating money, time, or services, etc.
But I also know what you mean.
(OT: you might want to delete the spam comment above.)
Posted by: Sour Duck | 2005.09.02 at 16:11
Actually, that is not a spam comment, but my friend suggesting a new and different blog to try.
Posted by: nina | 2005.09.02 at 16:19
Oh dear. I've committed a bit of a blog faux pas.
It appeared to be spam to me, especially since there was no comment on your post and the tell-tale "try this blog" text. My apologies.
Posted by: Sour Duck | 2005.09.03 at 23:28
Oh, do not worry--it would of course look like spam if you did not recognize the name of the commenter. No apologies necessary.
Posted by: nina | 2005.09.04 at 08:23