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Try this blog.

Sour Duck

Hi Nina,

If it's any comfort, most people's blog posts could be belittled by merely citing world news (whether local or international). All our personal concerns diminish when compared to famine or weather catastrophes, whether it's happening in this country or somewhere else. Our online (blog) posts about other matters *don't necessarily mean* we aren't also watching the news, donating money, time, or services, etc.

But I also know what you mean.

(OT: you might want to delete the spam comment above.)


Actually, that is not a spam comment, but my friend suggesting a new and different blog to try.

Sour Duck


Oh dear. I've committed a bit of a blog faux pas.

It appeared to be spam to me, especially since there was no comment on your post and the tell-tale "try this blog" text. My apologies.


Oh, do not worry--it would of course look like spam if you did not recognize the name of the commenter. No apologies necessary.

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