"I just want to go and seek the face of the Lord"
Oh man, my secular, vulgar, FEMINIST, PRO-CHOICE (oops, am I shouting?) self has sat its wide ass down right next to the white boyz bible study group.
[To be fair, I will state that these guys just seem like a group of men who want to study and share in their quest for the divine, and I have no beef with that whatsoever, in fact I think it's important. It's just interesting to note that I immediately think, "oh, crap" when faced with a group of folks holding bibles, whereas there was a time when this would only have elicited indifference from me.]
Amen, sister! Or, should that be Awomen? Either way-- religion has come to feel fundamentalist on all fronts these days.
Posted by: bluepoppy | 2005.08.25 at 11:10
I used to just get a chuckle from the Tract-wielders. I'd simply move along and ignore them or, if confronted, talk about how Jesus was a ambisexual anti-Roman terrorist necromancer.
Now-a-days I prefer to avoid the shock value so I can try to gauge their intentions in order to purposefully leave them with a little more knowledge of the Book they hold so dear yet understand so poorly. Depending on those intentions, I'll share a little insight into the US Constitution's "Commandment" about mixing politics and religion.
Rare is the fundy group that enjoys such encounters. {sigh} I still don't go lookin' for 'em though...
Nice blog m'lady.
Posted by: MBains | 2005.08.26 at 09:25
Actually, I'm no different from our Bible peeps. I'm constantly wanting to seek
- the light
- enlightenment
- the Buddha
- Buddha mind
- the pure center of the heart
- Shiva's blessings
They're just in a different religion, that's all.
Posted by: GraceD | 2005.08.26 at 13:47
you know, of all the groups who have a bad rap by association with others who have overtly similar beliefs, the John 15:17 Christians definitely have it the worst, IMO
Posted by: Maryelizabeth | 2005.08.27 at 07:38
Grace, that was my point, really, though, that I seek those sorts of things, too, and that I was dismayed that my first reaction to being around folks with bibles is "oh, crap", instead of thinking we might have something in common, which we do.
Posted by: nina | 2005.08.27 at 08:05