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I fear my kids would have you weeping in the corner after just a day or two. They don't even like olive oil or garlic. Garbanzo beans and cayenne? HA! Sigh. Good for kidlet, though!


At our house garlic and onions sauteing in olive oil is the magic base for almost everything. When anyone comes into the house, the first thing they say is, "Mmmm, that smells good."

I could be frying old shoe leather in olive oil, garlic and onions and I'd get the same response.

I'm beginning to experiment more with sesame oil and peanut oil with garlic and fresh ginger - this gives the veggies a more Asian flavor, especially if you cook them up and then simmer them for about 30-45 seconds in a mixture of soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil and a bit of sugar. (this is a trick learned from our local CSA newsletter)



sounds yummy! I usually leave the veggies in big chunks so that they can be picked out and given to someone who appreciates them...

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