As if I weren't already excited enough about going to BlogHer Con--I mean we're talking about the chance to see and meet Heather Armstrong, Jory DesJardins (Pause), Halley Suitt, Roxanne Cooper (Rox Populi), not to mention Ronni Bennett of Time Goes By and countless other happenin' babes--the divine Miss GraceD, who writes I Am Dr. Laura's Worst Nightmare, just invited me to stay at her house! I offhandedly mentioned to her that I was sad that Kimberly couldn't go with me to the conference, and that she'd known some friends in the area where we might have stayed, but I was planning to go in any case, and within seconds she insisted I stay with her. So, in addition to all her other magnificent qualities, we now know that Grace is warm and generous and exhibits poor judgement. Wow! I'm blown away, and deeply grateful, and jazzed, and I can't wait!
Whether you've had a blog for years, or are just thinking that maybe it might be fun to start one, I highly encourage you to attend.
Update: Oh! Oh! Oh! I forgot Evelyn Rodriguez and Mel are also gonna be there. See? Ya just *gotta* go.
Update #2: And fellas, if you haven't noticed, this is open to you as well. Think about it: tons and tons of the smartest, hippest, bloggiest chicks all concentrated in one place and looking to get down and dirty--well, OK, so maybe they're not there for *that*, but still, if you like blogging, and you like women (and who doesn't?), then BlogHer Con is the place to be.