I have been tagged for not one, but two, book related memes. One of which I've been procrastinating on partly because it reveals the true depth of my uncoolness, and the other one requires more thought than I am able to muster right now as I am in the midst of much work related stress. Our office is moving, and I have yet another new boss to contend with. On new boss' first visit to our office, which was yesterday, I got the dreaded phonecall from the kidlet's school, which always means something is not right. The kidlet wiped out during PE and bonk-scraped his forehead on the concrete pretty soundly. He turned out to be fine, but I did have to leave during the work day for a couple of hours. No, Mr. New Boss, me being a single mother will not impact my work in any way at all. My previous bosses and many of my colleagues are moms who know the dilemmas and difficulties of balancing the mommy/office diva roles. Mr. New Boss may be a bit more old school. Can't tell yet. For reasons that aren't quite clear, I'm letting things bother/worry/stress me out more than I'd like. Feel free to send me some good vibes.
Here you go, a icy cold six pack of good vibes streaming your way through the thought-o-sphere!
Posted by: Rod K | 2005.06.09 at 09:02
Concentrate on those issues where you can take action. The rest is out of your control. You can hope for certain outcomes, but don't overstress yourself. I bet you are appreciated and respected more than you know.
Posted by: peg | 2005.06.09 at 09:14
OK, sit back and . . . here they come! Share some with kidlet too -- hope his boo-boo feels better.
Posted by: Karen | 2005.06.09 at 10:42
Mikey sends a hug.
Posted by: Mikey | 2005.06.09 at 10:56
Hmmm... are vibes what you need, or would chocolate be more effective?
Posted by: Kimberly | 2005.06.09 at 15:09