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What, no pics of you riding a bike?


Another chance to see naked bike riders awaits you this Saturday. The Fremont Solstice Parade is at noon on the 18th. For an embarassingly long time it was my only way to see naked men!


Anita beat me to the mention of the naked cyclists at the Fremont Solstice Parade. Are you going to go? I think our morris dance team will be performing along the route before the parade. We, however, will be wearing clothes. All that jumping around naked would just be laughable.


Well, of course I know about the Fremont parade, that's when I *expect* to see the naked cyclists. That's why I was so surprised to see there were naked cyclists last weekend, too. Not sure if I'll attend. Oh, and I can think of a at least one member of the morris team I wouldn't mind seeing naked...

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