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You are much better company than this jerk deserves, girl. As my friend, S, says, "A person has to be at least as interesting as me to spend time with them." Good for you for raising the bar.


Wow, sounds horrid. I can't imagine. Thank God for Frank.


I am sure there must be one decent guy in Seattle... but he's probably gay. Good luck.


What sleaze, Nina. Run the other way. And I'm sure there's more than one decent guy in Seattle. My experience with men causes me to believe the ratio of good guys to jerks is a lot higher than 1 in 250,000, as Lisa seems to (hyperbolically) suggest.

Cowtown Pattie

Darlin', Darlin.

Ain't there one honky tonk bar in all of Seattle? Shuffle, slide, shuffle, slide, twirl, twirl, and repeat. (all to the tune of "Amarillo By Mornin'" preferably.)

Sorry-ass man not fit to wipe yer boots!

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