Thanks for the love, everyone. I realized that what's really upsetting me about the move is not that I'm getting even more behind on my work, and not the stress of adjusting to yet another new boss, but rather that they are taking away the only perk they've given me in a very long time--my office. I LOVED having my own office. And now I must share a relatively small space with one and half people (and those half-people just sort of squick me out). The whole person with whom I'll be sharing is someone I get along with much better if we have considerable distance between us. And we won't have that, no, not at all. Essentially, all the hard work that I've done in the last year, all the extra responsibilities and workload that I took on to prove myself, don't count because the people that I was proving myself to, the people who really know how much I've accomplished, are gone. Now all this extra work and worry and stress is just seen as the norm, and we're giving you a half-person, so aren't we generous and supportive, and where's my report? Ahh, the joys of corporate America. I do love it so.
So, the book memes. In my stubborn little way, I am going to bend and mold these memes to my own evil purposes . But first, do go say happy 50th birthday to Grace.
One of memes is a Q & A about books. I think most of the questions are rather boring (who cares how many books I've owned in my life? I don't.), so I will answer the one question that I thought really gives you some insight into the mind and heart of the respondent: Name five books that have meant a lot to you. Now there's a question a girl can sink her teeth into.
I'll start with John Irving's first book (anybody know this besides me?)....Setting Free the Bears. More about this sparkling gem of a novel to follow.
I think I read that long ago, does it have a scene where there is a flatbed truck of some sort stuck in the road, loaded with bee hives, and of course one of the characters crashes a car into into it in typical Irving manner?
Posted by: Rod K | 2005.06.10 at 09:49
Oh, that just plain sucks. (Your work situation, not the book, of course!) ;-)
Posted by: Karen | 2005.06.10 at 13:53
Good grief, darlin'! I fall off in my blog reading and you have a major crisis without me!
Come sit a spell on our patio with a cold Shiner, and we'll commiserate properly...
Just when you think you got ole Life figured out, She backhands your butt soundly.
Posted by: Cowtown Pattie | 2005.06.11 at 13:12