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I've somehow missed that bus stop trash can. Lovely painting. Too bad about how you discovered it.


He has nice eyes...
I have had that experience before, too...you don't quite know what to do...


Goddess, that Is a beautiful portrait. It reminds me very much of a St. Louis artist's work - his name is Wayne St. Wayne and he is somewhat of a local celebrity in st. Louis. He is immensely talented and his work is in demand there.



Do you think normal male sexuality is related to criminality?



I guess it would depend on how you define "normal". I'm not sure what you're trying to get at with that question (no, I'm not saying that all men are sexually abusive if that's your point) but what I do know is that far too many women and girls are sexually harrassed, abused, and assaulted all the damn time. This simply has to stop. I think the best way to stop it is to educate boys and men.

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