Hello everybody. Remember how last time we were talking about how a woman's sexuality is hers and hers alone, and therefore you can't take it without asking? Well, there's a corollary to this: A woman's sexuality is hers to do with as she pleases. Yes that's right. It's hers, it's not her father's, nor her boyfriend's, nor her husband's, and she can use it however she wishes. If she wants to guard it and use it only with one partner that's her perogative. If she wants to screw everything she can get her hands on, that's also up to her. What a woman decides to do with her sexuality, however she explores it, however she chooses to experience it, does not make her a good or a bad person. She is not virtuous for behaving one way, and sinful for behaving another. Which brings me to the word "slut". We don't use that word in this school. Ever. Not for women, not for men (as I know it is sometimes used as well). If a girl you know is having sex with a lot of different people, that's her choice. If she is having sex with a lot of different people, and you think she's doing it unsafely, well, then I want you to have a talk with her. Otherwise, let her do her thing. Respect her right to make her own decisions about herself. OK, thanks everyone. Tomorrow we'll talk about how to not sexually harrass women.
Reread my comment on the first post. Add exclamation points.
Looking forward to the next class.
Posted by: Kimberly | 2005.06.01 at 08:37
"What a woman decides to do with her sexuality, however she explores it, however she chooses to experience it, does not make her a good or a bad person."
I'm with you. I wonder if it's as acceptable to apply the same standard to men as well.
Posted by: scott | 2005.06.01 at 13:19
How's this? I once got called a slut because the boy that called me a slut fancied a girlfriend of mine and she didn't want him and he called me a slut because of this and because I was TALKING, yes talking, to a bloke. Not snogging, groping or anything, but talking. Naturally I told him what I thought.
Posted by: Jen | 2005.06.01 at 16:48