I missed the deadline for Blogging for Books this month, but the theme is so good that I decided I will play along even though I can't submit it. The assignment is to write a post about an event in your life in the style of a favorite author. I present the following, with apologies to Papa:
The boy wanted to go to the pictures on Friday. We drove the black car down along the Interbay and parked on a side street. The marquee was lit up and flashing with the names of the films stacked one on top of the other. Inside, we found some seats near the front.
"Are you hungry?" I asked him. "No," he said.
There were lots of families there, mothers and fathers and little children. It was noisy and smelled of popcorn. The theater got dark and the picture started. The boy was happy. I was bored. Finally the lights came up and we blinked as the credits rolled.
Then I was hungry so we took the black car to the fast food restaurant down the street and we ate salty french fries while I drove us home.