I have discovered the secret to good health and happiness. This secret cures any number of ailments, from aches and pains to grumpiness, and it gives you lots of energy and shiny hair, too. What is this miracle cure? I won't even ask you to send me $19.95 for it, I am such a good person that I will tell it to you for free. It is sleep. Uninterrupted sleep. At night, for several nights in a row. I have not had this since the kidlet was born--six years ago. I have just had three nights of it, and let me tell you, I'm a new woman.
The kidlet is at my folks' house, enjoying the spoils of two birthday parties, and yes, I do miss him, but it's really freaking me out, this sleep thing. And to think I once had it virtually every single night. I must have been something back then.
Good for you! There aren't words for the envy I feel....
Posted by: Karen | 2005.02.22 at 10:29
"Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleeve of care
The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast."
-- William Shakespeare
Posted by: M | 2005.02.22 at 12:20