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Lovely, nina. Goosebump inducing.

Both Fred at Fragments from Floyd and Melinama at Pratie Place are collecting links to these. I suggest that you, and anyone else who might want to play, leave a comment or send an email their way. Fred and Melinama both have wonderful blogs as well.


That's beautiful...I want to try it!


Oh, this makes me want to weep, laugh, sing and eat sandwiches cut in triangles! Our life stories as prose/poem. Brilliant.

You so kindly stopped by my humble blog, and, as in days of old, I'm paying a call to you, woo woo chick. I'll pretend I brought a shoo fly pie. You pretend to make coffee. And now I will peruse your archives and linketh you.

Nina, I *curtsy* to you...


That was really wonderful.


Nina, I related so very much to your post - especially the ponytails and daffodils. Thank you :-)


This is simply glorious. You have a poet's way with words and imagery.


I LOVE this, Nina. So much that I encouraged a bunch of people on a writing list I belong to and the outcome was unbelievably beautiful. One of the members even offered to print and bind them with her lovely illustrations. I may post mine on my blog, too. But for now just wanted to thank you for the heads up and tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you from the backwards-tunnel. --ellie

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