Hello everyone and welcome to the kidlet's birthday party. We're so glad you could make it. Please don't mind all of my coughing and hacking, it's really not as bad as it sounds. Rest assured I had nothing to do with the food preparation, though I did have to upright one of the pirates on the birthday cake. Yes, all those used tissues in the trash are mine, but don't worry, I'm being very careful when I blow my nose, and I'm washing my hands quite frequently. That sullen looking man in the corner? Why yes, he is the kidlet's dad, I know you've never really seen him around. He's not as bad as he looks. He's really a pretty good guy most of the time, but he's a bit shy at these sorts of things. No, I'm sure you didn't see him shaking his head at me, and certainly not rolling his eyes. OK, kids, have a good time, but remember the rules, no hitting, no biting, no hair pulling, no screeching, no crashing into things, please no destruction of museum property, crying will be kept to a minimum, and most important of all, no musical instruments or noise makers of any kind are to be given as gifts. Thank you.
Happy B-Day, Kidlet! Get well, Mommy!
Posted by: Cowtown Pattie | 2005.02.19 at 13:49
No musical instruments? Darn. Happy birthday, Kidlet! Hope you're feeling better, nina!
Posted by: Kimberly | 2005.02.20 at 23:31