Here are the answers to yesterday's "random ten, with a twist" quiz. Thanks for playing! I've put them in the extended entry in case anybody still wants to take a guess. Nobody has gotten #9 yet, which is admittedly rather obscure, and there are some where we have the artist, but no song title, so there's lotsa fun still to be had!
- Cool, Cool River--Paul Simon
- Pulling Mussels From A Shell--Squeeze
- Come Away With Me--Norah Jones
- Tennessee Plates--John Hiatt
- Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered--my version is sung by Ella Fitzgerald
- Wild World--Cat Stevens
- Red Dirt Girl--Emmylou Harris
- Radio, Radio--Elvis Costello
- Talk About the Passion--REM
- Southern Cross--Crosby, Stills and Nash
Oh phooey, I knew I knew #7!
Posted by: Karen | 2005.01.25 at 18:18