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Manolo says, for the Manolo everyday, it is the talk like the Manolo day.

Muchos Besos!


P.S. You are indeed super fantastic!


Ooohhhh! The nina, she is indeed super fantastic -- she has received the comment AND the muchos besos from the Manolo himself! The Kimberly, she says that the Manolo's blog, it is very very funny, and makes her to wear the smile whenever she reads it.

The Kimberly, she wonders if the Manolo's besos would be the air besos. The Manolo's besos, whether the air or the skin, they would be super fantastic!


the Nina and the co-worker they have the genius! they make the bluepoppy smile even though her shoes always make the Manolo get the big frown since they are comfortable and make the Manolo cry--- but the Nina and the co-worker are to party with for fun!

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