I have discovered the joy that is Peanut Butter M&M's. Why has no one told me before how yummy they are, how crunchy on the outside, yet how creamy in the middle? How the chocolate and peanut buttery goodness all blend together in your mouth, but there is no annoying little foil thing to unwrap like with miniature Reese's cups? And there is crunch, a lovely, light crispy crunch, followed by creamy richness and chocolate. And peanut butter. Did you really think you could keep this from me forever? Well, you couldn't, the secret is out, and all you other afternoon snacks can just get lost, 'cause I've got a new love, and the rest of y'all are just looking tired and sad. Except for you, Scharffenberger 70% Cocoa bar. You're still special. I just can't afford you.
oh yes-- the evil candy makers keep tempting us-- my newest fatal discovery is something called a "take 5" by Hershey that combines all of my favorite things into one place: peanuts, pretzels, caramel covered in chocolate--- I'm doomed . .
P.S. thank you so much for your kind kind words--- I'm ashamed of my whiny post but I thank you for your support-- I will get to the other side of this . .
Posted by: bluepoppy | 2005.01.27 at 14:52
that is exactly how I feel about Lindor chocolates... I don't know if they have them where you are... but they are the best...
Posted by: lisa | 2005.01.27 at 18:46
Better than Reese's pieces? Uh Oh, ET won't like this one itty bitty lightyear.
Posted by: Cowtown Pattie | 2005.01.27 at 18:56
Give me my chocolate straight up, thank you very much. Or with almonds, maybe. Peanuts or peanut products, not so much. I'm glad, however, that something so small can bring you such joy.
Posted by: Kimberly | 2005.01.27 at 23:54
Posted by: ellie | 2005.01.30 at 17:22