Number of games of Jr. Scrabble played: 1
Number of PBS shows watched in which the host is now deceased: 1
Number of naps taken: 1
Number of bowls of Peanut Butter Bumpers eaten: 1
Number of times "I don't like this" was exclaimed over a plate of food lovingly cooked by mommy: 1
Number of tearful pleas to be given permission to watch Yu-Gi-Oh even though we've had it rented for a week, and seen it ten times, and mom had declared "no more": 1
Number of times mom relented and let Yu-Gi-Oh be watched: 1
Number of additional viewings of Yu-Gi-Oh that will drive mom over the brink: 1
Number of things mom got accomplished today: 0
I was home Monday with the kids and they mad at me when I told them to take a nap. When i unplugged the Gamecube they knew I meant business. We had fun though. Building a puzzle later that afternoon was fun had by all.
Posted by: Mikey | 2005.01.26 at 19:49