So I'm back home alone, no kidlet, no nobody. I saw him for all of 24 hours (saw my sister for less than that). He had a good time at his daddy's, and was thrilled with all the loot he scored at G&G's, so all is well. As he was falling asleep last night, though, he asked me how long I would be there, and he sighed a big "awwwwww" when I told him I had to come home today in order to go to work tomorrow. I spent an inordinate amount of time sleeping over the weekend, I'm still not well, though I feel tremendously better. Just downloaded Seven Bridges Road (Eagles) to my iPod, and I'm munching on the candied walnuts that my grandmother makes every year. I'm thinking of tsunamis and of how I take my safety for granted, and of how I've dreamed walls of green water coming towards me many times.
Kidlet, I love you like a tsunami washing over me, may you always be safe.
can I give you a hug?
Posted by: Mikey | 2004.12.28 at 08:59