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Go get freaky, woman!!


congratulations?! after 7 years of "separation" (wherein we have both had two relationships take place), we still haven't gotten a divorce... lots of excuses exist...ie. cost, lack of agreement on various issues, lack of medical coverage for me if I am not married... I have discussed with a few friends who hope to get divorced this year that maybe I will tag along..it seems like a good time to do it, as I am working for a family law lawyer until June... Happy New Year!


Congratulations and I'm sorry. Go girl power.


Well. So. I don't know whether a "mazel tov" is in order at such a time, but I'm here to offer a hug or a stiff drink or whatever you require.

Oh, and this means you found the missing green form?

Cowtown Pattie

If it's one thing this ole gal has learned in life - never say "never". Ahem.


Are you saying "never" just to tempt the fates? Gotta go with Pattie on this one.


Congrats! Oh God, my mom said what you just said. She even went as far as to make me promise she'd never do it again. She's now on her fourth.

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