I felt pretty cute today when I left the house. I'm wearing jeans, but I have on one of my new Christmas sweaters, and nice earrings, and I combed my hair and put on lip gloss and stuff. One of the first things one of my co-workers (a man) said to me this morning was, "It looks like you left the house in a rush today." <sigh>
I bet you were. The nerve. Do I need to come lay the smackdown on this co-worker?
Posted by: Mikey | 2004.12.29 at 13:55
I'm with Mikey. My first thought on reading this was, "that guy needs to be smacked upside the head."
Posted by: Kimberly | 2004.12.29 at 16:19
LEt's face it, the guy is a complete idiot. You sounded pretty damn cute to me, and that was just in words.
Posted by: Rob | 2004.12.31 at 11:46
I hate the "you look tired today" , which usually is said when I'm feeling rather rested. Who asked anyway?
Posted by: jill | 2005.01.01 at 09:48