I feel like a big heavy green blob of apathy has come and attached itself to my brain and is sucking out all my energy. ugh! blech! blah! Even though the most energetic thing I did all weekend was walk around a room filled with theme-decorated Christmas trees and then vote on my favorite, I still do not feel sufficiently rested to be required to function like an adult human being.
Instead why don't I bitch about the stupid, expensive, inconvenient, time-waste of a class I had to take earlier this month? It's a legal requirement of everyone getting a divorce in this state, and I suppose that if you were like most people, and actually got a divorce sometime within a few months or even a year of separating, then it might have some wee bit of relevance to your life, but trust me, if for various quite legitimate and valid reasons (really!) you have been living apart from your spouse for coming up on five years and are only just now finishing up that pesky legal business, then this class, called, melodramatically, "What about the children?" is a huge load of crap. Case in point: one of the educational experiences offered up in said class? Watching a segment of the news show "20/20". Yes, that's right, I always wish to be educated about important legal issues in my life by some just-shy-of-tabloid quality news program. Give me a friggin' break. The class took place in a courtroom, which was kinda cool, as I could fantasize about being cross examined by Kevin Hill (ie Taye Diggs), but other than that, this class had no redeeming value whatsoever. None. And why are the elevators in the courthouse so damn tiny? Why, I ask you, why?
OK, now I must go rest, I mean work.
Some Dudley DooRight's vision for saving the great American family, I can only presume. Let me guess, the originator of this little jewel of a law on your state books came about courtesy of a legislator who had stock in a family counseling program that he sold as a bill of goods to all the pious citizens who want only the best for their peers?
Posted by: Cowtown Pattie | 2004.11.29 at 19:32