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Cowtown Pattie

I am not a George Bush fan or supporter, and have not seen this war as a good thing. However, growing up with the Vietnam war atrocities, I can provide this insight, for what its worth: lying takes place on both sides, the US never said there would be no civilian casualties, and the Islamic extremists do not want their control lessened and thus will exaggerate and pull sympathic American heartstrings at home. The same scenerio was played out in the jungles of Vietnam. War does horrible things to people and soldiers. I am trying to keep my perspective about all this. Women (and the people of Iraq) were so oppressed under Saddam, and they will be again if we allow the Islamic nutcases to regain control. The whole affair will truly then be in vain. I now rely on the testimony of American soldiers actually engaged. In my office, my boss's brother-in-law is in Fallujah, and I get cc'd on most of his emails back to the family. You come away with a different viewpoint than the BBC's. IMHO

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