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One thing you don't want is a big DEAD rat somewhere where you can't get at it--the smell is unbelievable!...I had a family of rats under my house that were SO big...oh, horrors!!!...you don't want to know!


Check for identifyable droppings and notify the landlord -- the joy of renting is that it's his responsibility to see that you live in a vermin free environment.


You wanna borrow our cats? I'm not sure that they'd really go after - much less kill and eat - anything larger than a moth, but they might scare whatever it is away. Or they'd have fun playing with it... hmmm, maybe not such a good idea.


our one year old cat, houdini, has been bringing home injured mice to play with them indoors, cause its kind of cold outside, doncha know? and the other day he injured a bird and gave it to our puppy to play with in the back yard... its hard to forgive him for his natural instincts... but seriously, if you have creatures, borrow someone's dog for a week - it will scare it away...

Cowtown Pattie

What? No 'possum stew? I rather doubt it is a raccoon or an opossum. Go down to the hardware store and get you a nice rat trap, and bait it with peanut butter. Harder for them to snatch away. I know all about critter loving, but rats just don't fit my view of cuddly.

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