So, how creepy is it that when I write to my friends to tell them I'm blue, gmail offers up links to happiness and inner strength type websites on the sidebar? Just for fun, I clicked on one, because I do believe that the secret to happiness lies just one click away. Ahhh, my problem is the three D's: Doubt, Dysfunction and...and, Damn--no wait, that is a D, but that's not it. No wonder I'm having problems. Also, if I buy this guy's super secret success formula I can eliminate my boring life by understanding what it means to "Arrive". I can stack the Law of Equality in my favor. Hey, wait! If it's the law of equality, how can it be stacked in someone's favor? Oh, but it will be like waking up with a new, more successful, stronger person inside of me! Oooh, sounds kinda kinky. Wait, I don't think that's what they mean. I'm so confused. I'd better download this eBook right NOW. Thank the baby Jesus for the Internets, otherwise I don't know what I'd do.
Wait, come back! What was the third D??
Posted by: Kimberly | 2004.10.18 at 11:58