Spent more time with the author of this blog yesterday. She brought me (dark, of course) chocolate and some of her famous curried apple chutney. Me happy. Even more so because we went to here for coffee, and I hadn't been in so long, and it is--still--the best coffee house in the city. I love that place so much that I actually got kind of giddy and excited just standing in line waiting to order. Why is it the best? It's not the pastires, it's not the cool chalk board art, it's not the gorgeous slabs of granite and marble from around the world that they have on the counters. It's the coffee, stupid. Best damn coffee. Every time. No matter which barista makes it, no matter which drink you order, even if you are crazy and get decaf, your coffee will be excellent. Not just good, but excellent. Nobody else can do that.
In other decadent birthday present news, I scored a gift certificate to this famous Seattle store (link NSFW).
Finally, I have a new blog on my list, Crossroads Dispatches. I'm having a hard time coming up with the right superlatives to describe this one. She calls it a "generalist synthesist weblog", and that synthesis is a large part of what appeals to me. Although she (Evelyn Rodriguez) writes through the perspective of a marketing professional, her viewpoints and posts are anything but narrow--this woman thinks big. Some recent post titles as examples: "Blogs as Truth-telling Networks", "Big Sky Mind: The Origin of Ideas, Part 1", "A Loud Voice Cannot Compete With a Clear Voice". If you care at all about the big questions, and the big ideas of life, you'll be as captivated as I am.