Earlier I wrote to you about your wind chimes. They are not such an issue anymore. I got used to them, I hardly ever hear them anymore. I'm writing to you now about your porch lights. Yes, those super bright beacons that you shine into the night to--to what? Keep the boogieman at bay? Make your cats feel safer when they prowl around? Announce to everyone that you're not letting the darkness invade your space? I'm not sure what your intention is, but the result is that since we all live very close together in our happy little neighborhood, your lighthouse strength porch lights (and back door lights, and side walkway lights) shine right into my humble little abode and make it just that much more difficult for me to have a pleasant night's sleep. Yes I have the blinds pulled. No, it doesn't matter. I'm happy that your lights make you feel safer at night, however when your sleep deprived neighbor comes at you with a hammer someday, you might realize that they've had just the opposite effect.
My feeling was that keeping a light on just gives the criminal light by which to work...
Posted by: Mark | 2004.10.18 at 07:57
I know what you mean! I cannot sleep with ANY light coming in--people think I'm "too sensitive" and yes, maybe I am! I made my own curtains in the bedroom with light-blocking fabric, which is sort of ugly, but you can put it behind your other curtains. Good luck.
Posted by: M | 2004.10.18 at 10:01
if I can sleep on a C-130 cargo plane I can sleep anywhere
Posted by: Mikey | 2004.10.18 at 12:50