I have cooked with gas many times, on everything from a two burner portable stove in Mexico, to big commercial ovens in professional kitchens, to outdoor propane grills. Like most cooks, I prefer it, and I am therefore familiar with putting a match to gas and watching it flare. However, I am sitting here freezing my tootsies off right now because the pilot light on my gas heater went out and I can't figure out how to get it lit. The warning stickers all over the damn thing (in lieu of good instructions) aren't helping me feel very confident about it either. There's supposed to be some combustion chamber door that I take off to find the pilot itself, but I see no door. There are some valves that look like they might be the place to light, but when I press the button to release the gas and hold the match there, nothing--just that ominous sound of the gas coming out and me there with the match wondering when it's all gonna blow. The kidlet poking his head in there only adds to the tension. Normally I wouldn't even think of using the heat this early in the season, but Summer has done picked up her skirts and run off with the milkman or someone and it's cold in this ground floor apartment.
Sorry I haven't posted much of late. It's been an incredibly stressful time for me, but I'm starting to feel more like myself. I spent several hours with my best girl S. yesterday, saw Maria Full of Grace, and as always these days marvel at how we went from two wild women world travelers to such busy mommies who barely get to spend any time together anymore. I also had an unexpectedly lovely day today, ended up here enjoying one of the best IPA's I've ever had--nicely hopped but not overly bitter and with a bright apricot fruitiness to it.