Yesterday was Talk Like A Pirate Day. I have no idea where this fine tradition comes from, nor am I too terribly sad that I didn't participate in any way, shape, or form. The kidlet has a thing for pirates these days, I got him a lego-like plastic pirate ship for his birthday last year that he is just now starting to play with regularly, and he even uses an English accent--though not really pirate talk per se--when he plays with it. So, even though he doesn't understand all of it, and it has almost no pictures in it, I am reading to him from Treasure Island every night before bed. It's fun since I have never read it (even though the copy I'm reading was mine as a girl), and a much more engaging tale than most of his story books. I'm frustrated that he's reading at quite an advanced level (yesterday he asked me after seeing a a label on something, "mom, what does 'waterproof designs' mean?) and in kindergarten they're focusing this week on the sound of the letter B. Aaaaaargh!
I had a moment like that the other day... my son who is 7 has been in denial about reading for a couple of years...and suddenly decides he can read... we were watching a movie that had subtitles (Hidalgo - great movie!) he told me to stop reading the subtitles for him - (I didn't believe he could read them) but he started reading them out loud for me! It was very weird. My baby has grown up suddenly...
Posted by: lisa | 2004.09.24 at 18:58