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Tea and sympathy comin' atcha....


wow! that is so much like me and my son... he is 7, starting grade 2 in a new school cause we moved in november, and now he has to take the bus, and he's terrified... (we used to live 3 blocks from his old school)...so I am going to follow his school bus on the first day and meet him at the school! (the teacher thinks I am an overprotective mom...but it was the only way he would agree to get on the bus without me) he has also started to criticize me, accusing me today of purposely burning his mini-pizzas... bad mom!


What is wrong with the American workplace that accomodation cannot be made to shepherding young children one or two afternoons a week? Certainly other arrangements could be made for making up the time.

As to kidlet's assessment of your butt, I am at a total loss for words. Where does one so young get such stuff.


I am lucky in that my boss and most of my colleagues have been there/done that with the school and parenting issues. It's much better than it might be in a less female dominated industry or an earlier era.

As for the kidlet's comment--I blame, in addition to the culture at large, his daddy, and the crappy TV that his daddy lets him watch. It turns out that just the day before, he'd been watching some sort of infomercial (or perhaps just a commercial) on TV at his dad's house. This commercial was for some exercise product as far as I could gather. Interestingly, he's made comments about my big butt before (yes folks, nina's got back), but never quite as straightforward as this one.

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