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Cowtown Pattie

Hey, there is a BIG difference between a jellow jacket and a bee. Both hurt, but a jacket sting leaves a painful bruised feeling at the bite site. In fact, a bee sting is about 5 on the 10 scale and a "jallow" jacket is more like a 8. Only a ground hornet hurts worse. Hey, Kidlet, I would be a bigger wuss if I got jabbed by one. Hate the devils. They may eat other bad critters like blood suckin' mosquitoes, but I still hate 'em.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I felt really really sorry for him, I knew it was scary and painful. But he is not one of those bruiser kids who falls down in what looks like a horrible wipe out and then just jumps up and runs on.


When Stephanie was really little, a yellow jacket got tangled in her hair, and as she tried to swat it away, it stung her ear. YOWCH! Very scary for all of us. My sympathies go out to kidlet and his Mama.

Rod K

I have a not so little one(12) that doesn't do well with wasps. And I admit that the ones we have around here make me jump up and down yelping and run around when I get stung. She's been stung a few times and I think will always have that "run around in a panic at the sight of one."

The thing that gets me is that loss of innocence that they go through when you tell them for so long that the bad things don't happen if you do the right things. Then the bad thing happens anyway. Depending on how bad the thing is, you can lose the ability to say "don't worry I won't let a bad thing happen to you."

Of course we've had one of the worst bad things happen to us so it's probably not the same issue for most people.


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