Best thing that Teresa Heinz Kerry said last night at the DNC: "My only hope is that, one day soon, women, who have all earned their right to their opinions, instead of being labeled opinionated will be called smart and well-informed, just like men."
I love her. She is the best part of the ticket! I would like to have a glass of wine with her and hear her story, I bet it's fabulous.
Posted by: jill | 2004.07.29 at 07:03
Yeah, I liked her. She certainly is well-spoken and confident. I don't know why that freaks out the press so much. Maybe it has something to do with her wealth too, in spite of her good works. I heard some jokes about her owning a coat made out of dalmation skins that made me laugh in spite of myself. But it's funny how intimidated some people are by strong women.
Posted by: Kim | 2004.07.29 at 20:40
I find it frightening and extremely sad that strong women are still so often vilified. To anyone who says we don't need feminism anymore, I say, you're just not paying attention.
Posted by: nina | 2004.07.29 at 21:50
I think we need feminism more than ever! We need to be able to do battle with the < href ="">"Crawford Wives"!
Posted by: donna | 2004.08.04 at 23:45