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I agree! I was listening to some clips of Ronnie's old speeches, and he sounded downright sincere. Sheesh.
P.S. I have tub-envy!

Cowtown Pattie

I know I will get tired and irritated at all the media gushing over his greatness. He was a good man, who obviously loved his country. He had a special gift for touching people and had a sincerity about him that was endearing. We put these men on pedestals then bitch when they can't keep but one toe hold on the step. The media sways our opinions, controls our perspective. If I had the opportunity to sit a while on a quiet porch with a cup of coffee or two and discuss world peace with Reagan or Bush or Clinton, I am sure I would have a far different opinion of these men. I rant and rave and complain about Dubya's performance, but in secret, I am damn glad I don't have to walk in his shoes. Clinton had the same gift of oration as Reagan. Too bad he turned out to be such a jerk. The point? All are/were human, and the American Public expects Gods.


Hey there *offering house-warming bouquet*. I just stumbled onto your site and I've really enjoyed reading your posts . . especially the one about The Office and Dilbert are so great, but would be even greater if you didn't have to LIVE it--- god, my current life in a nutshell (emphasis on the 'nut').

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