So my mother is an excellent road trip companion. She's good to talk to, she's flexible, but most importantly she'll go out of her way to pull over so that I can take pictures like this:
The mountain was pretty impressive, I'd never been so close, and in our wandering around on the way home today we encountered an unexpected field of tulips. I took lots of fotos, ate one of the best chocolate desserts I've ever had, and made another unexpected find in a cool coffee shop in Castle Rock, WA, where of course I stopped for a double shot with chocolate while my mom slept in. I'll post more fotos later. Oh, and I have some really good news: the papers are signed! Yes those papers. I'm not as relieved as I thought I'd be. I'm distracted by worries about moving, for one. And the fat lady ain't sung yet, either. I won't completely relax until it's done and official.
Technical aside: OK, all you digital foto gurus out there. Why do the words on my blast zone sign look all wiggly? How can I fix/prevent this?