There's a new trend here in Seattle that has me a bit disturbed. When I'm walking down the street from where I park to the office there's a distinct odor in the air these days, and it ain't roasting coffee. No, it's something far less appealing, the smell of donut grease. Why are donuts all of a sudden so popular? Despite the fact that they gleefully say "fuck you" to the low carb thing, and I'm all about that, as far as yummy things to eat go, donuts are pretty far down on my list. I blame it on Krispy Kreme, which first opened in this area a couple of years ago and is now expanding like crazy. All these tranported East Coasters got all jazzed about the arrival of KK's, and Seattleites, always trying to prove how hip and cool we are jumped right on the bandwagon. I have a problem with Krisy Kremes on a couple of levels. First of all, how can something be crispy and creamy at the same time? They can't, folks, that's the sad fact of it. And the donuts are neither. Second, it's just a donut. Just a glazed bit of fried dough. Nothing that special. Tasty, but yeah, big deal. Now all the coffee houses are frying up their own. Nothing gives you a nastier crash than having coffee and a donut for breakfast. And it leaves that greasy feel in your mouth for hours. No, thanks. Not even the chocolate frosting can save most of them. When I have my coffee shop (that's my new favorite phrase) there will be no donuts EVER.