When steaming tamales in a bamboo steamer, make sure you have enough water in the saucepan to keep it from boiling dry. Otherwise, you'll have an interesting little science experiment on your hands: high heat+hot metal+flammable organic material...
well, you get the picture.
Thanks, Nina. I now have spewed coffee all over my monitor! But, I am impressed! Homemade tamales. I am a tamale-aholic. Could eat them for breakfast - another thanks. Now, I am hungry for some good tamales and picante. I really prefer picante to salsa. Just not muy caliente, por favor.
Are you going to see the Passion? Kman wants to go, but I am only going because I love Kman. Guess it helps to rant if you know what you are talking about as well. I suspect this will be a major blog topic for several weeks. Sigh.
Posted by: Cowtown Pattie | 2004.02.20 at 08:09