I find taking pictures to be very healing, no matter what ails me, from boredom, to existential angst, to heartbreak, if I can get outside and shoot some fotos I'll feel better. I always process things by writing about them, but making images works on a different level, and I'm not sure I understand it yet, and I don't care that I haven't figured it out. I'm also learning as I shoot. I've been interested in fotography for years, but just recently, with the acquisition of my first digital camera (thanks, dad!), have I really begun to practice it. And that's what's so great about digital, not that you can email your shots or post them to blogs, though I love doing that, but the true power of it for me is the instant feedback I get when shooting, the ability to play around, try new things, and see what works without having to wait to get the film developed. In other fotography news, I went to see her speak on Friday night at SAM. She didn't have much to say, which seemed appropriate somehow. She spoke in Spanish which I enjoyed thoroughly, especially getting snarky on the translation. Considering it was sponsored by these folks, we were appalled at the quality of the slides, and the Q&A session afterward revealed some Seattleites to be a bunch of culturally insecure folks trying to show off that we're not so provincial afterall. Oh well, fodder for more snark.