Wendy over at allseasons caught my eye with her link to Boycott Bush.net. Wanna know which corporations are giving Bush the big bucks? Go check it out. It's a UK based site, but to me that makes it all the more interesting. We tend to forget, in our endless USA arrogance and isolationism, what a big impact fucktard has on the rest of the world, and beyond just the folks he's bombing. I saw someone propose (sorry, I don't remember where) that the entire world should be allowed to vote for the president of the US. I like the idea, I like it a lot. Think how the face of US politics would change. Literally. I bet it wouldn't always be so white. Which brings me to one of my favorite questions. Which will come first, a white woman or a black man as US president?
Oh, I don't think I want the world voting for my president. No way. Our system is NOT perfect, of course. Americans are for the most part lazy and lackadaisical about getting involved with making the political process more representative of Average Joe. Somewhere along the line, politics became a institution for the rich and powerful. We let it happen. But, that does not mean that we should relinquish our responsibility to some foreign citizen.
Posted by: Cowtown Pattie | 2004.01.30 at 08:34
I wonder - if these corporations saw some impact to their sales - would they still give to the Bush campaign. If voters thought foreign sales might drop down (and therefore profits and ultimately jobs) would they vote differently?
Posted by: Wendy | 2004.01.30 at 18:41