I'm fascinated by intercultural relationships, be they between countries or individuals. I like watching what happens when two worlds collide. On a personal level, how do people from different countries and cultures form lasting bonds with each other? Of all the women that I know who have married or had children with men from other countries (and in my limited sample this usually means Mexico) only one is still together with him. Two women that I know are coming to me for advice about dealing with the difficulties of leaving the realationships that they are miserable in, and I wish I had some good news for them. As tough as it is living with somone who views the world through a differnt cultural lens than you, it's that much tougher to have an amicable divorce (which is what you're aiming for when you want to still raise your kids together).
My theory is that in those relationships that do work one of the partners adapts to the other's culture, they learn it, embrace it and become absorbed into it.
I have many more thoughts on this subject, but I'm running late for work as usual...
It would certainly add an extra level of stress wouln't it - as if there aren't enough causes of that already. My question is - how do any relationships survive these days.
Posted by: Wendy | 2004.01.29 at 15:23