Well, I was gonna bitch and grumble about the fact that I got to spend less than 24 hours with my family for Christmas, had to drive three hours each way and wait in ferry lines to do it, and I have to go to eVil corp. in a short while, but luckily I read Go Fish first, and Mac, being ever so much more up on world news than moi, blogged about the horrible earthquake in Iran, and now I just feel blessed. Earthquakes and densely populated third world cities are a nasty combination. When I lived in Mexico, everyone had a horror story about the big quake in Mexico City back in 1985. It is truly frightening. At least now maybe president fucktard will stop his Axis of Evil blathering for awhile. And while we're on the subject of Iran and its people, be sure to check out Persepolis a graphic novel (ie comix) by Marjane Satrapi, an Iranian woman living in exile in Paris. So far I've only read excerpts but even with just a taste it is obvious that this is an important and beautiful book. Her graphic style is simple and evocative and she tells a story that we as Americans need to hear. I went to high school in a suburb of Seattle at the end of the 70s, and yes it was about as white as you'd imagine it to be, but all of a sudden during my senior year a small group of Iranian students enrolled there. I knew one of them fairly well (I kissed him), but no one ever talked about what had brought them so far from home. Here's a chance to find out.