When I was in Kona last February (is it just me, or are more and more of my posts starting this way?), I went on a little jaunt to the top of Mauna Kea, one of the world's best places to watch the sky. Besides feeling like it was extreme cheating to drive to the top of a mountain, I had a blast. The best part? Oxygen deprivation. They warned us that we might feel dizzy or nauseous, and that if we had heart conidtions blah blah blah. But what I felt was sheer love. It was one of the best highs I've ever had. I loved everyone and everything, and the whole world was beautiful. We got to stay at the summit to watch the sunset, and then drove down a few thousand feet to gaze at the stars. I didn't want to come down. And despite the bizarreness of wearing a parka in Hawaii, it was the best thing we did the whole trip.