Both Scott and Chris have tagged me. It's not nearly as sexy as it sounds. The memes are similar, a list of lists, with a numerical theme. We'll start with the fives.
Five Snacks That I Enjoy:
Scharffenberger extra bitter (either the 70% or the 82% depending on my mood)
Cinnamon Bears (affectionately referred to as sin bears)
Popcorn (NOT microwave)
Quesadillas (made by me with corn tortillas)
Fried Calamari
Five Songs I Know All the Lyrics To:
Righteously by Lucinda Williams
Closer To Fine by The Indigo Girls
Almost Blue by Elvis Costello
Amelia by Joni Mitchell
Dos Arbolitos, an old Mexican bolero
Five Things I Would Do If I Were A Millionaire:
Buy a house in Seattle
Buy land in Mexico and British Columbia
Buy a camper, wire it to the hilt, and take a year to drive all over North America, homeschooling the kidlet and blogging it.
Quit eVil Corp.
Invest wisely
Five Bad Habits:
Fucking cussing all the damn time
Using bad posture when I sit at the computer
Talking too fast
Checking my email too much at work
Hitting the snooze button one too many times
Five Things I'll Never Wear Again:
White jeans
Stiletto heels
Blue eyeshadow
Knee socks
A wedding dress
Five Three Favorite Toys:
The next meme is all about seven. I've answered a very similar one already so for my replies to the questions Seven Things I Want to Do Before I Die, Seven Things I Cannot Do, and Seven Things I Say All The Time, please click here. Thank you.
Seven Things That Attract Me to Blogging:
My vanity
Writing for an audience
Place to publish my fotos
All the hot monkey sex
Being a part of the new media
My love of freedom and liberty and Christmas
Seven Books I Love:
Setting Free the Bears by John Irving. His first novel, and in many ways, still my favorite. I've written about it before here.
Songlines by Bruce Chatwin. Chatwin wins the prize for authors that I wish more people knew about. It's one of my tests when I meet someone new--if they know Chatwin they get big bonus points (yes, Mr. Christmas Date, who needs a better nickname, passed the test). This book has so many themes running through it, but like much of Chatwin's work, at the heart of it is an aching restlessness and a dissatisfaction with modern life. It's been far too long since I've read it. I lent out my copy, and have regretted it since.
Stephen Mitchell's translation of the Tao te Ching. I wrote about that one here.
Annie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker's Creek. I don't care what anybody says about this book, I still love it. I don't care that the opening anecdote isn't hers, and she wrote it as if it were. Dillard can write your fucking socks off. Calling her a liar is ridiculous. Of course it's a lie, she's telling a story; all stories are lies, even if they come from the non-fiction shelf. </soapbox> Quite simply, this book woke me up.
Anais Nin's Diaries. If she were alive today, she'd have the best blog. Evah.
Steinbeck's Travels With Charley.
Stones for Ibarra by Harriet Doerr. She's another author that I wish more people knew about. This book is devastating.
Seven Movies I Watch Over and Over:
Out of Africa
Henry & June
Finding Nemo (not by choice)
El Norte
Anything with Jeremy Northam in it
Sense & Sensibility
Seven Songs I Play Over and Over:
Are You Down? by Lucinda Williams
Mulence by Cubanismo
Llora Mi Nena by Eliades Ochoa
You Can Close Your Eyes by James Taylor
A Million Tears by Kasey Chambers
Honey by Venus Hum
Ty, Y Mi Ciudad by Ruben Blades
Oh, and I'm not tagging anybody. If you want to play along, tag your own damn self. You know you want to.