That's no mere walk in the park, folks. No, that's what known as geocaching, which is the coolest thing ever, because a) it's fun and b) Hijo's uncle Frank, who is the coolest person in the world, introduced it to him. Here's the deal. Turns out that people have gone and hidden stuff all over the place. Wherever you might be, there's probably something hidden right there, but you don't know about it because you haven't logged on to the handy dandy website.
If you were cool, like Hijo and his uncle Frank, you would have logged onto the website, and there you would have learned about some cool hidden stuff, and most importantly, you would have learned the coordinates of exactly where the cool hidden stuff is hidden, and you would enter those very coordinates into your cool GPS gadget. Ah, yes! Although you cannot see it in this picture, Hijo is holding a GPS gadget which points him in the direction of the cool hidden stuff. So, you can see why this is appealing. It's a treasure hunt PLUS a cool gadget to play with. That's boy nirvana right there.
This is how it works. You go to the website and pick a couple of cool caches to find. You enter the coordinates into your cool gadget. You hop in the car with your mom and drive to the parking spot nearest to the coordinates. You hop out of the car, point your gadget to the sky, and then you start walking. At first, it is all very exciting, as the gadget tells you exactly how many feet away from the super secret hidden cool stuff you are. And you walk. And you get closer. The suspense is almost too much. But then you get really close and the gadget goes all bonkers on you and tells you the cool hidden stuff is this way. Oh wait, no, it's THAT way. It's five feet, it's thirteen feet, it's, well, it's time to look for it your own damn self.